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Radja Aulia Al Ramdani

I'm a

Hi 👋 My name is Radja Aulia Al Ramdani, I am a full stack web developer who focuses on PHP and Javascript programming, I have almost more than 3 years of experience in web development & have experience in dozens of projects that I have worked on. I have skills in several popular frameworks like laravel, codeigniter, wordpress, react, vue. I am open to exploring potential opportunities.

I am also a content creator on my personal YouTube, I create a lot of guide and learning content on my channel.

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About Me

About Me

17 Y.O Programmer from indonesia 🇮🇩

A little information about me, I'm just a normal person who likes technology and philosophy, well actually I like learning lots of random things, I also like studying foreign languages, currently I'm studying Japanese and Vietnamese in my free time.

I also currently want to create a new brand/business/company in the education sector. Maybe if you are interested in working together, I'm ready to discuss it

I'm currently in a quarter life crisis phase haha, I'm asking a lot of very philosophical questions about life. Beside of that I really like games and anime, I like FPS Game especially Valorant, for some reason The environment & joy in the VCT (esport valorant) bring me so much joy in my life.

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My Skills





Web Developer

I have skills in the field of web development, I have more than 3 years of experience in this field, I have skills in front end and back end, I have experience in several popular frameworks such as laravel, codeigniter, node js, react. Also, I am familiar with bootstrap and tailwind css as my css framework.

Front End

Back End

Other Lang

My Lates Works

See all my works

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Shop GatheringInBali
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My Certificate

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My Services





Costum Code

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My Education

Software Engineer

SMK Negeri 4 Kota Bogor (June 2021 - Mei 2024)

i am currently studying at a vocational high school at SMKN 4 KOTA BOGOR, i majored in software engineering

Compete At The LKS Provinsi Jawa Barat

IT Software Solution For Bussines (July 2022).

I had the opportunity to compete in the West Java Province LKS event representing the city of Bogor in the field of IT Software Solution For Business.

My Experience

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WordPress Developer (December 2023 - Mei 2024).

Designing, developing, and maintaining multiple responsive WordPress websites. Analyzed and selected suitable WordPress themes based on client needs.

PT Kulturasi Anak Bestari – Tanggerang, Indonesia

Full Stack Developer (November 2022 - November 2023).

Led React-based SPA development and built an e-commerce platform from scratch. Integrated Laravel, implemented RESTful APIs, and ensured secure transactions through Midtrans. Pivotal role in SEO, event marketing, and ongoing website maintenance.

PT Bonet Utama – Bogor, Indonesia

Intern Full Stack Developer (November 2022 - April 2023).

Sliced Figma designs into responsive web applications using React, Nest.js, and TypeScript, emphasizing Tailwind CSS for styling. Developed engaging landing page websites using WordPress, managing various themes, staging environments, and contributing to a large-scale CMS for SMK institutions in Jawa Barat. Implemented RESTful APIs, designed content elements, and assisted in data analysis and reporting for valuable insights.

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My Hoby

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Connect w me

i like to play game and play some music, maybe we can connect together and have some fun !
i have internet & school bill so i sell some services on my online store, check it out on here !
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My Whislist

idk why but i decide to add this section maybe to share my thought and my goal in my life !
Have a Positive Habbits in Daily Life
Gain 10.000 Subs on Youtube
Have New Job with good paid
Have an emergency fund
Go to College
Rent a House
Buy New PC
Buy New Laptop